Walkthrough - Zeliard

---> Z E L I A R D <---
(F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestions


- DATE (this version was last updated on): 8/24/2001
- VERSION: 1.2
- AUTHOR: Alan Franciškovic
- E-MAIL ADDRESS: ivan.franciskovic@rijeka.crosig.hr

Note: This is my father's address, at work, because I don't have my
own. Should there be anything that I should know, send me mail to
this address and my father will print the mail out and give it to me.
Then, I'll update my FAQ or write to you, if you need my help with
something about Zeliard or the FAQ. Be sure to leave your address
when you leave me mail, so that I can contact you. Should I get an
address in the future, I'll make a new version and put it there,
along with my father's address.


v1.0. (27.7.01.) - First version of the FAQ
v1.1. (21.8.01.) - Made some updates, corrections and additions
v1.2. (24.8.01.) - Added a few more things


This is a FAQ that helps people understand Zeliard. I sincerely hope
that I haven't missed anything important to say and that this is all
the information needed to obtain for a good playing experience. To
achieve a more stylus effect to the FAQ, I've added some tables and
much add-on information about many things, which make them fully
described in exact and accurate detail. The things that are marked
with one or more asterisks "*" are explained under the table in a
more detailed way. Still, everything is described, whether in the
table, or not. I have written at least a few sentences about every
single detail. I've even written a walkthrough of the entire game,
which covers everything in it, but it's pretty much a copy of
another, shorter FAQ. Still, I received permission to write it. The
boss defeating part is also not my own work. Much is, but I copied
some things, although I was given permission to do so. The FAQ isn't
written in a question-answer form, but all the questions that exist
are answered. This would be only a description of the game, but since
people asked all the things I wrote about (and it includes a copied
FAQ (walkthrough) and one that I mainly modified in my version (boss
FAQ)), it is a FAQ. I'll get to the point now and begin the FAQ.

IMPORTANT: I'm NOT responsible if this FAQ promotes ANY illegal
activities or actions. Proceed reading at your own risk. YOU'll
answer for those activities/actions and NOT me.


The table describes what you can do with the FAQ under all the
mentioned conditions or what you can't do with it, EVER. The "You
can" and "You can't" parts are short for: "You can do this with the
FAQ" and "You can't do this with the FAQ". You must obey EVERY
condition in EVERY way, otherwise you will be ILLEGALLY using the
FAQ. Each condition is equally important. Example: if the table says
"You can read it if you have time and like to read it", you MUST have
time AND like to read it; if all conditions aren't fulfilled, your
action is still illegal. ALL conditions of ALL actions must be
obeyed. If there are two things you can do under one set of
conditions, for both are required all the conditions mentioned. The
example says that you can READ the FAQ: You can JUST read it. If
something isn't mentioned, it's CERTAINLY forgotten and stands under
the "You can't" do it part. The conditions are ONLY there for the
"You can" part. If you want to do something unmentioned, mail me.

This FAQ is copyright 2001 Alan Franciškovic. All rights reserved.

- Read it
1. Always
- Make money off it
- Make copies of it
1. If it stays the same
- Damage it in any way
- Use it to make your own
FAQ about Zeliard based
on the information that
is written here
1. If you credit me
2. If you change
3. With my permission
4. If you write in-depth
- Edit it in any way;
therefore: You can't
change anything that is
written here
- Announce it to friends,
- or on web-sites
1. With my permission
2. Without critics
- Re-write it and claim
it was originally yours


1. My mother
- Helping me with the final world
2. NeoZenogias
- Letting me include the walkthrough
3. Sashanan (Peter Butter)
- Inspiring me for the boss part


1. Story
2. Bosses
2.1. Location of bosses
2.2. Almas worth for bosses
2.3. Boss defeating information
2.3.1. Cangrejo
2.3.2. Pulpo
2.3.3. Pollo
2.3.4. Agar
2.3.5. Vista With the Knight's Sword Without the Knight's Sword
2.3.6. Tarso
2.3.7. Paguro
2.3.8. Dragon
2.3.9. Alguien
2.3.10. Jashiin
3. Power-ups
3.1. Gold
3.1.1. Different amounts of gold
3.2. Almas orb
3.3. Recovery potions
3.3.1. Red potion
3.3.2. Blue potion
4. Description of underlings
4.1. Nature
4.1.1. Muralla Town Toads Slugs Bats Rats
4.1.2. Satono Town Blue slime creatures Read toads Trolls
4.1.3. Bosque Village Earth worms Bugs Crabs Clay balls
4.1.4. Helada Town Turtles Green slime creatures Arrows
4.1.5. Tumba Town Red slime creatures Eyeballs Evil women Bats
4.1.6. Dorado Town Red Ghosts Condors Evil women
4.1.7. Llama Town Fire creatures Trolls Rats
4.1.8. Pureza Town Lave slime creatures Bugs Medusas Blue ghosts
4.2. Almas worth for underlings
5. Towns
5.1. Bank
5.1.1. Three kinds of Almas balls
5.1.2. Different Almas exchange ratios
5.2. Weapon Shop
5.2.1. Description of weapon items Swords Wise Man's Sword Spirit Sword Knight's Sword Illumination Sword Shields Clay Shield Wise Man's Shield Stone Shield Honor Shield Light Shield Titanium Shield
5.2.2. Limitation of buying weapon items
5.3. Magic Shop
5.3.1. Description of magic items Ken'Ko Potion Ju-enn Fruit Magia Stone Sabre Oil Kioku Feather Elixir of Kashi Chikara Powder Holy Water of Acero
5.3.2. Limitation of buying magic items
5.4. Inn
5.4.1. Different fees
5.4.2. Church vs. inn
5.5. Sages
5.5.1. Number of times each sage will upgrade your powers
5.5.2. Names of all the sages
6. Unmentioned parts of the inventory screen
6.1. Spells
6.1.1 Names and meaning of spells
6.2. Keys
6.2.1. Normal Keys
6.2.2. "Lion's Head Key"
6.3. Shoes
6.3.1. Types and description of shoes Ruzeria Shoes Pirika Shoes Silkarn Shoes Asbestos Cape
6.4. Crests
6.4.1. Hero's Crest
6.4.2. Glory (Family Crest, Crest of Honor)
6.4.3. Elf Crest
7. Walkthrough of the entire game
7.1. Muralla Town/Cavern of Malicia
7.2. Satono Town/Cavern of Peligro
7.3. Bosque Village/Cavern of Madera/Riza
7.4. Helada Town/Cavern of Escarcha/Glacial
7.5. Tumba Town/Cavern of Corroer/Cementar
7.6. Dorado Town/Cavern of Tesoro/Plata
7.7. Llama Town/Cavern of Caliente/Reaccion/Corroer
7.8. Pureza Town/Cavern of Absor/Millagro/Desleal/Faltar/Final
8. Other, special things to mention
8.1. Gelroid
8.2. The secret items
8.2.1. The secret sword and the free swords
8.2.2. The secret shield
8.3. The secret shoes-the Feruza Shoes
8.4. The secret village-the Esco Village
8.4.1. Cost of magic
8.4.2. Cost of weaponry
8.5. Comand line parameter
8.6. Shortcuts
8.6.1. Muralla Town/Cavern of Malicia
8.6.2. Satono Town/Cavern of Peligro
8.6.3. Bosque Village/Cavern of Madera/Riza
8.6.4. Helada Town/Cavern of Escarcha/Glacial
8.6.5. Tumba Town/Cavern of Corroer/Cementar
8.6.6. Dorado Town/Cavern of Tesoro/Plata
8.6.7. Llama Town/Cavern of Caliente/Reaccion/Corroer
8.6.8. Pureza Town/Cavern of Absor/Millagro/Desleal/Faltar/Final
9. Cheats
9.1. Hex cheat
9.2. Zeliard trainer-Zeltrain
9.3. Other FAQs
9.3.1. Walkthrough
9.3.2. Boss strategy
10. Tips and tricks (general)
10.1. Zeliard's too hard
10.2. Zeliard's too easy
11. Keystroke help
12. Conclusion


Zeliard is a screen scrolling, action-fantasy-adventure game in which
the player has to rescue the princess, Felicia that was turned to
stone. Her father, the King, prayed to the Holy Spirit and one-day it
appeared. Leaving him speechless, it told him that a brave warrior
will arrive to his castle and help him reclaim the Holy Crystals,
called "Tears of Esmesanty", with which he can seize power over the
daemon that represents the Age of Darkness, the Emperor of Chaos,
Jashiin. Those Tears are actually tears of the king and the people of
the land of Zeliard. Those tears became crystals and were stolen by
Jashiin, who was reborn, after being defeated and sealed under Earth
for 2000 years. He added his power to theirs and created the other
creatures, to make sure nothing could stop him from his revenge to
the princess and, indirectly, her ancestors and descendants. The main
character, the man you control is a brave knight bearing the name of
Duke Garland. He must go into deep labyrinths and defeat eight of
Jashiin's most deadly minions, and then face the final foe, Jashiin,


A boss is the most powerful creature in a world, that guards it and
the Tear of Esmesanty entrusted to him by Jashiin. Jashiin also holds
one, but much bigger and prettier. Paguro is a monster, but not a
boss, because he doesn't guard a world or a Tear of Esmesanty. He
allows you to get the Elf Crest and makes the game have more
"colorful adventure". Anyway, here, you can find out where each one
is, how many Almas they're worth and detailed information on bringing
each one of ten of these down (Paguro included).


Here is all the information you will need about the types of bosses
in the game. Paguro is not a boss, but is listed, because he matches
the criteria of definition for others, although he doesn't posses
(guard) a Tear of Esmesanty. Both the town and cavern are mentioned
as well as name and description of each one. Now you can see what
kind of boss opponent you're facing in each world. They are all
giants, for harder moving around of the player and less area to dodge
the attacks, as well as less space to escape them.

Here is the table explaining that:

1. Muralla Town (Cavern of Malicia)
Cangrejo (Giant Crab)
2. Satono Town (Cavern of Peligro)
Pulpo (Giant Octopus)
3. Bosque Village (Cavern of Riza)
Pollo (Giant Chicken)
4. Helada Town (Cavern of Glacial)
Agar (Giant Ice Cube)
5. Tumba Town (Cavern of Cementar)
Vista (Giant Fish)
6. Dorado Town (Cavern of Tesoro)
Tarso (Titan)
7. Llama Town (Hut)
Paguro (Giant Flaming Cube)
8. Llama Town (Cavern of Caliente)
Dragon (what do you thing)
9. Pureza Town (Cavern of Absor)
Alguien (Giant Bat)
10. Esco Village (Cavern of Final)
Jashiin (Giant Man-like Daemon)


There is a special worth of Almas that you get after defeating each
of Jashiin's deadly monsters. There are nine of them, of which each
one holds and guards a Holy Crystal, a Tear of Esmesanty, except
Paguro. Each one of those that do, guard a world and you can't pass
it without defeating them. Each monster is worth a different amount
of Almas, and later monsters are harder to destroy and are worth more
Almas. Here is the Almas worth of each monster you kill.

Jashiin isn't worth any Almas because you will win after beating him;
you can't return to a city and exchange it, so there is no logic to

Note: Tarso and Paguro have the Almas needed for the Asbestos Cape.
It costs 2500 Almas, which is much more than what Tarso give you,
after you have defeated him (1500 Almas). This is not a rule, but you
(probably) can't gather 1000 Almas in the caverns without the cape
because you can't stand the heat. Also, you can't talk to the people
in Llama Town without the Elf Crest. You get it after defeating
Paguro, and their words may effect your whole future in the game,
because this part is tricky and is a preparation for the kookiest
world of them all, Absor/Desleal/Millagro/Faltar/Final. Here you may
be surprised of air currents... Wait 'till you start walking through
walls... (This may shake your confidence that you can do it. There is
a walkthrough available, which includes the final world, as well.)

1. Cangrejo
2. Pulpo
3. Pollo
4. Agar
5. Vista
6. Tarso
7. Paguro
8. Dragon
9. Alguien


Main guidelines:

> Rest before a fight
> Carry healing and other items
> Have the best weaponry
> Practice some manuovers that are difficult and useful
> Train and get used to several quick and hard-to-do moves
> Get the most life. This also increases your spell number and sword
damage. Combining Sabre Oils and this is a cheap way to win.

It's a darn shame, but you will find out that the spell given to you
in every next town is just what you needed to defeat the previous
monster earlier, so the monsters serve as tests to your skills-if you
don't pass, you don't continue. (I just hate that rule that reminds
me of school!)

Note: I have to give Sashanan (Peter Butter) credit; were it not for
him, I wouldn't even have written the boss part; he inspired me. I
used only some of his information and copied it to my FAQ, as well as
being granted the permission to do so, so the FAQ is legally
submitted. Sashanan's e-mail address is sashanan@hetnet.nl

IMPORTANT: DO NOT touch bosses with a Magia Stone after defeating
them. This drains the Magia Stone within very little time.

The advantages and weaknesses of the monsters are as follows for each


Watch out when he decides to jump! He will take a lot of space from
you if you let him do it. Watch him carefully and when he bends,
either attack him or try to run under him (not advised because he'll
spit on you!). If you attack him continuously, he will retreat and
even if he does jump, avoid him and start over. Attack immediately. A
Magia Stone or a Wise Man's Sword and/or Sabre Oil(s) kill him before
you even notice it.

2.3.2. PULPO

You can enter the door and rest or concentrate, because he can't
attack before he gets hit twice (I advise that you continue beating
him until he starts blinking his eyes and firing spittle). Although
he can't move at all, the spittle that he shoots is deadly and you
have to jump over them or take massive damage (maybe even lose your
life!). It has full range. When you attack him, jump in front of him.
The Magia Stone will kill him before he has a chance to attack.

2.3.3. POLLO

Beware when he decides to fly. When he squawks twice, he will shoot a
dart you can't always block, so you have to bend. When he squawks
four times, he will take off and fly, chase you, and take half the
space you have. It's best to fire a Saeta spell to counter him
because he will land then. Also, try aiming for the head to inflict
more damage upon him, wgether with the sword or the spell. Here,
there is a tricky move that does massive damage: When he flyies,
press your back against the left wall and stab your sword on his head
when he lands. Also, you can get behind him, but when you hurt him,
he'll back off, and you'll pass right through him. That's PAINFUL!

2.3.4. AGAR

He also has a nasty habit of jumping to take your precious territory.
He can shoot a bit of ice at you, but this time, you can block it
with a bigger shield (so buy the Honor Shield). When he shakes a few
times, he will jump and try to stomp you. I say it's best to fire a
Fuego spell for him to land on, so that he gets hurt. Also, he'll
retreat 'till it stops "melting" him. If you fire one when you corner
him, he'll suffer the entire spell and won't be able to jump because
this is a very "hot" idea. It's much trickier to attack him with the
Fuego Spell than with the Saeta Spell that will simply chase him
away, but the Saeta Spell will not hurt him considerably (don't even
think about Espada!). The Magia Stone disables his phisical attacks.

2.3.5. VISTA

The Sage says that Vista simply can't be defeated without the
Knight's Sword, but I did it, so any skilled player can. You just
need to have a little more time, patience and luck.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- WITHOUT THE KNIGHT'S SWORD

The strategy is this: While she swoops down, fire a Lanzar spell to
harm her (she'll do it after she reaches a corner or you run under
her). The Magia Stone will prevent her to bite you, but watch out for
the spittle acid. Use some Sabre Oils and put it on your sword. The
Saeta spell may help and the Fuego is useful, but it is tricky to do
it right. I think you should rely on other methods.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- WITH THE KNIGHT'S SWORD

This is simple. Jump and attack her with the sword because it'll
reach and hurt her since it's longer than the Spirit Sword. You can
use the Lanzar Spell, but the Sword is enough. She'll be gone before
you get hurt considerably, so there is no need for Ju-enn Fruit or a
Magia Stone.

2.3.6. TARSO

He'll punch and kick the life out of you unless you get out of his
way and get him by either Lanzar or Rascar. The sword is reliable if
you attack continuously, but run for your life when he tosses an orb.
You will notice his attack by seeing a lot of dust by his foot and an
energy orb hurdling towards you. Avoid it and continue beating him.
And so on. When he tries to step on you, hit him, but do so at your
own risk :)

2.3.7. PAGURO

Actually, Paguro isn't a boss. He lives in the largest house in Llama
Town. He's very resilient, but the sage Saied will teach you the Agua
Spell, which alone is enough to make him wish that he was never born
and kill him. You don't have to kill him, if you don't want to, but I
advise that you do (you'll get the Elf Crest and 1600 Almas, as well
as the ability to talk to the inhabitance of Llama Town.

2.3.8. DRAGON

He's a real copy of Godzilla added to Zeliard. Watch the angle he'll
throw his "Flames of fury" at you. If he shoots straight, you can
bend and avoid it. If he shoots in an inclined angle, try running
away or toward him. If you go toward him, attack him with the sword,
or Agua Spells. If he shoots vertically, just run away. Level him
with Agua spells and pray that you'll survive long enough to finish
him off with your sword (or another spell, perhaps Rascar will come
in handy because he's so large). Don't try jumping at all and, if you
have to suffer his fire, do it with the shield. Maybe someone'll
think that the Asbestos Cape'll protect them from his fire... The
Magia Stone is preferred in this battle, along with a lot of Ju-enn
Fruits and Agua Spells, this is the hardest of all enemies to kill,
so you can be really proud of yourself when you defeat him.

2.3.9. ALGUIEN

He reminds me of a pterodactyl, but he's a bat. He'll put up a good
fight, but with Guerra on the job, he's (burnt) toast. It takes about
three to kill him. Just watch out for the straw-like breath attack
coming from his mouth. It's unavoidable in most cases, if you're
skillful and lucky enough to dodge it, at least those few times you
can. Sorry, but, believe me, even if you're a scientist or something,
you won't want to study this strange overgrown bat at close range.
Not to worry, though. Invent a Guerra and he's already gone in the
way of the dodo, extinct.

2.3.10. JASHIIN

He too is considered pretty tricky and tough, but again, with Guerra
at the right time, he doesn't have a good chance of survival. At the
beginning of the battle, he will be invisible. That means that you
can run around because he will try to get as close to you as he can
and touching him with your back (or front if you don't have a shield)
is VERY painful. It takes about fifteen unmissed Guerras to kill him,
but you can use the Fairy Enchantment Flame Sword. Just make sure
that you save two or three Guerras for the time when he's about to
start regenerating his life. That'll show him who's the "boss" around
here :). Watch out for his disappearing from time to time; he will be
visible for about a second each time he disappears. He shoots two
attacks. When he stands up, he'll throw a Fuego at you. When he
kneels down, he will fire a Lanzar. Avoid him and attack. At all
costs, don't let him regenerate his life. He does it when there is
only a fifth of his life left and he'll stand up, lose the ability to
disappear, and jump if cornered. He'll also run away from you. If he
gets his life back, you will have to start the whole battle over


Along the way, Duke Garland finds many objects, which help him on his
mission. (Example: Recovery potions, gold, or Almas orbs). They are
hidden or protected, as they are valuable. The Almas are also
collected when you kill one of Jashiin's monsters or defeat one of
his henchmen. The Almas are a part of Jashiin's power and are used
for money in your quest, but they are also used for medicine and
other useful things by the inhabitance of the towns. When you gather
the Almas, go to town, enter the bank and choose "Exchange Almas".
You will find out that in Tumba and Llama an Almas is worth is a
different amount of money. In Tumba, an Almas is worth two golds and
in Llama, four Almas are worth two golds. The towns that have an
equal amount of gold worth for an Almas are Murala, Satono and Pureza
(6), Bosque and Esco (8) and Helada and Dorado (4). Additionally,
saving Almas in Muralla and Satono for exchange into gold in Bosque
means that you get two more golds for each Almas, with the only
condition is surviving without buying anything. Plus, the Sage will
raise your lifeline and spell levels because the Almas are the only
condition for it. The secret is this: Upon gathering the first couple
of hundred, she will give you the first raise. Each time for her to
raise it again, you must have double the Almas you had the last time.
That's what made my skills so sharp; in the places above Dorado Town,
I had to spend many long hours trying to get the Almas required for
additional magic and life. Eventually, I wanted to explore new places
and thusly, get many Almas quickly. If I wanted to make it, I had to
learn to be patient and concentrated. I hoped that the saying "It's
worst just before it's best" would come true and it did. The good
side is that the Almas balls are worth more Almas (Almas balls
contain more Almas).

3.1. GOLD

Throughout the caverns, gold is stashed away in boxes. It will help
you in a financial crisis. Just make sure you make it to town, or
you'll lose it all.


The boxes contain different amounts of gold in them. In the early
caverns it's smaller, and vice-versa. The possible amounts are: 50,
100, 500 and 1000 golds.


In the entire game, there is only one Almas orb worth 100 Almas that
doesn't come from a defeated foe, but a wall. When passing Malicia,
after entering the green door to Peligro, go left, up and left and
slash the wall. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, consult
the walkthrough.)


These potions improve your health. They can be found in a box or
buried in a wall. You don't have to take them and you can also save
them for later, if you don't need them. There are two kinds of
potions: red and blue (the blue one looks like water). They heal
differently. There are many of them.


This one is found in the early caverns. It restores about as much
life as a Ken'Ko Potion. It isn't very useful, but the life capacity
you have for the lasting of them being available is restored almost


The blue potion is like a Ju-enn Fruit. It will heal you completely,
no matter how long or short your life bar is. You can't find a better
way to heal; it's free and it restores your full strength.

Note: In the final world, there are MANY of the blue potions and they
are buried in a wall, but the strange thing is that they are in the
UPPER side of the wall. Slashing the sword all the time upwards (and
sometimes you have to jump also) will make a couple of them fall on
your thirsty tongue. This world is kooky in many ways.


This part of information reveals advantages and weaknesses for each
small monster you often meet in the caverns. It's useful to know if
you're exploring the caverns, so that you won't be surprised because
of the special abilities some of them posses, but you can exploit
their weaknesses and easily prevail over any number of them. Many of
them are very special, in a specific way, so I suggest that you read
this before going into the labyrinths where these underlings can
easily kill you if you don't know their nature. I listed them under a
town, not a cavern, because from the third world, there are two or
more caverns under a town (look at the last one! [see the



--------------------------------------------------------------------- TOADS

The toads are fast and harmful when attacking. They're some of the
most dangerous enemies in the Malicia Caverns.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- SLUGS

These creatures are slow, but are persistent and won't be destroyed
easily. You'd better have the Wise Man's Sword when facing these
bores. Unfortunately, they're the least of your problems and aren't

--------------------------------------------------------------------- BATS

The bats are also hard to kill. They swoop down periodically from the
roof and follow you until they hit a low ceiling or you. They can be
painful and frustrating, since you have to wait for them to swoop
down again to get a chance to kill them. This takes a whole lot of

--------------------------------------------------------------------- RATS

They're even faster than toads, but are worth the most Almas in
Malicia. The interesting thing here is that they either leave 10
Almas or none. They can be hard to avoid, but are pretty easy to


--------------------------------------------------------------------- BLUE SLIME CREATURES

These little foes like to tease the player. They're pretty confused
and don't know which way to go. It's easy to kill them if you posses
the Wise Man's Sword, which makes most enemies wish that they were
never born.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- BATS

The bats are similar to the ones in the Cavern of Malicia, but
slightly more endurable. These bats appear in far larger numbers than
before, so be very careful not to let one surprise you and make you
lose much life. They aren't that hard to kill, especially if you have
the Wise Man's Sword.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- RED TOADS

Read toads are far more dangerous than the green ones. They shoot low
spittle and can be painful and frustrating, since the Stone Shield is

--------------------------------------------------------------------- TROLLS

These creatures are the most resilient ones in the early caverns,
maybe those before Tumba, but they appear in very small numbers. They
run away and shoot little axes at you, because they're nothing but
lousy cowards that don't even have the guts to face you in a fair


--------------------------------------------------------------------- EARTHWORMS

The earthworms are visible, but untouchable while burrowed. They can
move while in the ground and when they come out, you can kill them.
They shoot spit at you, so don't turn away. They aren't very hard to
slaughter, although they're tricky.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS

The bugs are the most powerful creatures here, so be careful. They
jump and can cause you unforeseeable damage. They die easily, though.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- CRABS

The crabs are dangerous, but easy to kill. They come after you when
you approach their vicinity. They stand next to the wall, usually
guarding a door.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- CLAY BALLS

These creatures are insufferable. They walk on walls and ceilings and
drop on you or hit you. They form legs in order to walk on the walls.
They give poor Almas and cause plenty of trouble. You can easily
dispose of them, if you manage to hit them at the right time. That
isn't easy, but there aren't that many of them. They're what I like
to call "trouble with a capital "T"".


4.4.1. TURTLES

The turtles are some of the worst creatures here. They can jump when
they enclose themselves in their shell and collide with you if they
turn their shell up side down. They're very hard to kill and they can
hurt you badly if they collide with you and you don't get the message
on time.


They're the most endurable creatures here. After you hit them,
they'll produce another creature by themselves. They don't give much
Almas, but aren't fast and don't cause much damage in spite of this
little trick. They die easily, if you use the Fuego Spell and they
don't reproduce themselves, because they don't have time.

4.4.3. ARROWS

They circle around small pieces of ground at great speed. They're
very painful and hard to kill, because it's hard to hit them on time
and/or place. The only "bright side" here is that they appear in very
small numbers.



These creatures are much worse than the green ones. They reproduce
themselves upon contact with a sword or spell besides Fuego and
Lanzar, and are even harder to kill with the Fuego Spell. The "bad
news" is that the swords don't harm them. Upon close range, to kill
them, two Fuego Spells are required. The Magia Stone only acts like
ordinary swords and makes it much worse. Only the Fairy Flame
Enchantment Sword can kill them (besides the two spells). They live
in the Gelroid and are painful as well as they appear in large


The eyeballs can speed up their movement and go twice as fast. This
can hurt you a lot. They don't give up easily, but it isn't very hard
to kill them. If you're scared of collision, try using the Lanzar
Spell to kill them on long range. That'll work!


They're the worst of the present enemies. The superior and more
beautiful enemy is in the Gold Caverns. These women try to take Duke
Garland from the princess. That's why they hurt him. They're
incredibly hard to destroy, but there aren't many of them. They're
the first of the creatures that are worth 100 Almas. They shoot spit
at you, which is painful. You can't harm them if you attack down; hit
the head to kill them.

4.5.4. BATS

They're very similar to the bats in the earlier caverns, but are much
more powerful. They're just as frustrating, though. They swoop down
in a different way, otherwise, not much of a change.



Do you believe in ghosts? You should, at least in these. They can be
nasty. If you hit them with the Knight's Sword, they'll disappear for
a short while and you won't be able to harm them, although you can
see them, but only slightly. Therefore, buy the Illumination Sword.

4.6.2. CONDORS

These little creatures can speed up to twice the speed at any time.
They're easily destroyed, if you can catch them.


These are the worst foes in the Gold Caverns. Just like those in the
Rotten Caverns, but much more powerful. They also disappear after
shooting a heart at you and are prettier than the previous ones (if
it means anything). To kill them, hit the head, otherwise you won't
hurt them. Even the Illumination Sword takes two unmissed shots to
kill them and you have to be quick, because they disappear right
after attacking, just like Jashiin. They can put your survival in
doubt, especially when they appear on you. Luckily, there are very
few of them, so meeting one is a rare occurrence, but also, staying
with them is a deathwish.



These are the mightiest of foes in this world (the Fire Caverns).
They shoot something harmful at you and can hurt you if you touch
them. You have to hit their head, just like the women before, to kill

4.7.2. TROLLS

These trolls are cowards, as well. They run away from you just like
the trolls in the Peligro cavern, but these are far more powerful and
endurable. They also shoot darts and a lot of them and quickly. Wait
for a period when they stop and kill them with the sword.

4.7.3. RATS

The rats are very fast and valuable. They appear in great numbers,
especially in the labyrinth of Corroer. They can hurt you very much.


4.8.1. LAVA SLIME CREATURES (Not quite sure)

They shoot on two sides. On the left, green spit, and on the right,
red, which is much more painful. They are hard to kill, but any enemy
can be destroyed with one blow of the Fairy Flame Enchantment Sword.
They are very slow, but shoot on whichever the side you're on. There
are many of them.

4.8.2. BUGS

There is nothing special about them, except their wacky looks. They
are pretty harmful, so be careful.

4.8.3. MEDUSAS

These creatures can "take it out of you". You have to hit the head to
inflict damage. If they touch your back, well, it's been nice knowing
you (if you have a full lifeline, it should take about 5 times to
kill you). They even damage the Titanium Shield greatly.


These little creatures are like the Red Ghosts you met in the Gold
Caverns, but are much more powerful. They're harmful and hard to
kill, but they're slow and worth a lot of Almas.


The table displays the Almas worth for underlings. This is a quick
way to decide which monsters are worth going back to fight again. The
table displays the monsters with the town of habitat and the Almas
that it leaves. In the table, I've written "Almas 1" and "Almas 2"
instead of "Almas Worth 1" and "Almas Worth 2" because there was no
space. It means the first and second worth of Almas a creature can
leave, because some of them can leave two kinds. The first amount is
smaller and the second one is bigger.

Note: Every monster can sometimes explode instead of leaving Almas.
Some do it more often than others. I don't really know why it is like
that. My guess is that more valuable creatures explode more often,
but I don't know for sure. In fact, I think that there is no rule to
this occasion. Maybe every fifth one or so explodes. Also, some
explode one after another, but many more continually leave Almas.
Besides, I don't think it's actually that rare. I'd say about third
or fourth, but I think that there is no combination; you may never
know which ones will explode. I highly think so, but it just MAY be
any other way.

- Slug
Muralla Town
- Toad
Muralla Town
- Bat
Muralla Town
- Rat
Muralla Town
- Blue Slime
Satono Town
- Troll
Satono Town
- Bat
Satono Town
- Red Toad
Satono Town
- Bug
Bosque Village
- Crab
Bosque Village
- Clay Ball
Bosque Village
- Earthworm
Bosque Village
- Turtle
Helada Town
- Green Slime
Helada Town
- Arrow
Helada Town
- Red Slime
Tumba Town
- Bluish Person
Tumba Town
- Eyeball
Tumba Town
- Bat
Tumba Town
- Red Ghost
Dorado Town
- Kondor
Dorado Town
- Evil Woman
Dorado Town
- Fire Creature
Llama Town
- Troll
Llama Town
- Rat
Llama Town
- Lava Slime Creature
Pureza Town
- Bug
Pureza Town
- Blue Ghost
Pureza Town
- Octopus
Pureza Town


Here are the details on each building in a town.

5.1. BANK

The banks are places where you trade your Almas into gold. Each town
has a different exchange ratio, which is all written below. In this
building, you can also check the amount of gold you have and deposit
and withdraw a certain amount.


Here is the table that informs you about which amount of money 1
Almas is worth in each place. In Llama, you must have at least four
Almas in order to get any gold, but you get two, instead of one gold.
The Almas not exchanged will be left aside, in the space where your
number of Almas is displayed. If you had 10 Almas, you will get an
exchange into 2 gold and after getting another 10, into 4, without a
leftover Almas.

1. Muralla Town
2. Satono Town
3. Bosque Village
4. Helada Town
5. Tumba Town
6. Dorado Town
7. Llama Town
8. Pureza Town
9.Esco Village


The Almas balls are worth one, ten or a hundred Almas, but each one
looks different. Those worth one Almas are gray on the outside and
have a red glow inside. Those worth ten have a gray edge and green
glow and those worth a hundred are red outside and have a green glow.


In the game, there are many swords and shields, which Duke Garland
can buy. Each item costs differently because those that cost more are
more powerful or effective against enemies. In each town, you can buy
a new sword OR shield. Note that those that have been presented in a
previous town cost less in the next, because it's hard to survive
without them when passing the old one, and less effective in the new
one. Inferior swords in each new town require greater skill of the
player and such shields, greater indurance (effort and skill). Items
have a hold (pause) for the lasting of two cities. (There is no new
item (sword OR shield in the next town)).

Here is a list of swords and shields that are in the game. From worse
to better, but you can't buy each of them in every town. (The
limitations are written below.) The table is separated in two parts,
in the small and big swords, and small and big shields. The big
swords are twice the size, and big shields are twice higher.

1. *Training Sword
1. Clay Shield
2. Wise Man's Sword
2. Wise Man's Shield
3. Spirit Sword
3. Stone Shield
4. Knight's Sword
4. Honor Shield
5. Illumination Sword
5. Light Shield
6. Enchantment Sword
6. Titanium Shield


Here's the description of every weapon item in the game. Now you can
know what's worth buying. Later, you can know the price.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- SWORDS

--------------------------------------------------------------------- WISE MAN'S SWORD

This sword isn't much better than the Training Sword. It isn't
recommended or special, but it's worth to have it as it's pretty
cheap. This is a useful sword, although it doesn't have great value.
However, until the Spirit Sword is presented, this sword will cover
and solve your entire enemy destroying problems.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- SPIRIT SWORD

The Spirit Sword is much more powerful than the Wise Man's Sword.
It's a high-grade product and a valuable sword. It can be very handy
and it is easy to defeat enemies with it. It's a wise choice to have
it in battle. It's first presented in Bosque Village.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- KNIGHT'S SWORD

The Knight's Sword is a much longer sword and a very efficient sword.
It packs a far more powerful punch than the earlier ones. This sword
won't disappoint you-it's very useful against any enemy. It's one of
the best swords you are able to buy. You get it in exchange for the
Glory Crest from the salesman in Tumba, and it's buyable afterwards.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLUMINATION SWORD

This is the best sword you can buy. It's very useful and powerful.
Other swords pale in comparison to this one. Even the Knight's Sword
becomes pretty lousy and useless once you get the hang of it. The
price is very high, but this sword is like no other. Nothing comes
close to matching it's might and power. The only sword better than
this one is the legendary Fairy Flame Enchantment Sword. It's first
presented in Dorado.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- SHIELDS

--------------------------------------------------------------------- CLAY SHIELD

This shield has very limited defensive capability. It's small and
pretty useless. I think that it isn't even worth trying it out,
regardless of the fact that it costs almost nothing; it does nothing
as well.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- WISE MAN'S SHIELD

It's only slightly better than the Clay shield. Long ago, a well-
known hero used it for a short time, which proves that it's very

--------------------------------------------------------------------- STONE SHIELD

This shield is more durable than the Wise Man's Shield. It isn't very
special, but it's worth to have it, even though it has its
disadvantages. It's first presented in Satono Town.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- HONOR SHIELD

The Honor Shield is a superior shield. It's bigger and protects the
entire front of you, so no high or low attack will penetrate it. It's
strong and light and easy to use. This shield is the least a brave
man should have. It's first presented in Helada Town.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHT SHIELD

This is not an ordinary shield. It's not made of common iron. It's
made of magic metal called Megane, and is pretty much unbreakable. It
has the same hit points as the Honor Shield, but is way more durable.
This is one of the best shields available. It's first presented in
Dorado Town.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- TITANIUM SHIELD

The Titanium shield is the best buyable shield. This shield is light
as a feather and hard as a diamond. It has double hit points than the
Light Shield, and can protect you much more than it can. It's first
presented in Llama Town. You can't lose with this one.


This part of information is linked with the limitations of buying
swords or shields in every town. Even though you can find out for
yourself, this table can be used for a quick reference. For every
next item, the town's name is repeated because there is no room for
another item. Every town doesn't have all items, but you can sell the
things you own. You'll get the money based on his item or, if the
salesman doesn't have it, its original price. In this way, every town
can have every item. Esco Village already has everything, and it's
all cheap, so by selling, you'll just make money. The Esco Village is
an ideal place to buy swords or shield, because they're cheap, but
the trouble is that the salesman will only give you the price which
is half of what you bought it for. Another problem is that you can't
buy the Fairy Flame Enchantment Sword in the Esco Village.
Additionally, you can't get a description of this item there, even if
you sell it. Here you can find it out, enhanced, improved and
compacted into a single place, without having to ask of the
description of each item itself; that would take a lot of precious
time that this FAQ saves. Enjoy!

Note: You can get these items with the Hex editor, following the
description of the Hex editor cheat, mentioned (but not described) in
the 9.1. part. Also available with ZelTrain, more quickly and more
simply. This is mentioned at part 9.2.

- Muralla Town
Training Sw.
Muralla Town
Clay Shield
- Muralla Town
Wise M. Sw.
Muralla Town
Wise M. Sh.
- Satono Town
Training Sw.
Satono Town
Clay Shield
- Satono Town
Wise M. Sw.
Satono Town
Wise M. Sh.
- Bosque Village
Training Sw.
Satono Town
Stone Shield
- Bosque Village
Wise M. Sw.
Bosque Village
Clay Shield
- Bosque Village
Spirit Sword
Bosque Village
Wise M. Sh.
- Helada Town
Training Sw.
Bosque Village
Stone Shield
- Helada Town
Wise M. Sw.
Helada Town
Wise M. Sh.
- Helada Town
Spirit Sword
Helada Town
Stone Shield
- Tumba Town
Wise M. Sw.
Helada Town
Honor Sh.
- Tumba Town
Spirit Sword
Tumba Town
Stone Shield
- Dorado Town
Spirit Sword
Tumba Town
Honor Sh.
- Dorado Town
Knight's Sw.
Dorado Town
Stone Shield
- Dorado Town
Illumin. Sw.
Dorado Town
Honor Sh.
- Llama Town
Spirit Sword
Dorado Town
Light Shield
- Llama Town
Knight's Sw.
Llama Town
Honor Sh.
- Llama Town
Illumin. Sw.
Llama Town
Light Shield
- Pureza Town
Training Sw.
Llama Town
Titanium Sh.
- Pureza Town
Wise M. Sw.
Pureza Town
Honor Sh.
- Pureza Town
Spirit Sword
Pureza Town
Light Shield
- Pureza Town
Knight's Sw.
Pureza Town
Titanium Sh.
- Pureza Town
Illumin. Sw.


In each town, there is a shop where you can buy useful artifacts to
help you in your mission. For example, the Magia Stone is an item
that will guard you in a measure. It surrounds your aura and hurts
enemies that touch it. It doesn't always spare you of all enemies, so
be careful not to rely on it too much! And don't collide with enemies
at a great rate of speed or you will get hurt, because it doesn't
always have a stone in the place that your enemy is approaching. When
the Magia Stone begins to weaken, there will be fewer stones in a
turn of the spell. That's the sign for you to start heading for town
or be careful not to be surprised when it wears off completely. This
table describes every item in a short way.

- Elixir of Kashi
- Restores a magic spell's full strength
- Chikara Powder
- Restores all magic spells' full strength
- Ken'Ko Potion
- Restores very little life
- Ju-enn Fruit
- Restores life to full capacity
- Magia Stone
- Protects the person's aura
- Kioku Feather
- Brings you to Muralla Town
- Sabre Oil
- Increases the sword's offensive power
- Holy Water of Acero
- Restores 100 H(it) P(oints) to a shield


Here is all the information about the magic items. Even though you
can find out in the magic shop, I want to have a full FAQ. I like to
have everything in one place. The full description of every magic

--------------------------------------------------------------------- KEN'KO POTION

This is a blend of junkel fruit and Ripodi leaf. It covers loss of
very little health, but is very cheap. It is used as a mild health
tonic, but is not really recommended; the Ju'enn Fruit is a great

--------------------------------------------------------------------- JU-ENN FRUIT

This item restores the person's life to its full capacity. Its
usefulness depends on the amount of life in need to recover and is
used best when the person is in danger of dying. The trees on which
this fruit grows bear once every ten years. They cost much more than
Ken'Ko Potions, but if you are close to dying on a high level of life
capacity, a Ju'enn Fruit is a lot better than all the Ken'Ko Potions
you can carry and it's much cheaper.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIA STONE

The Magia Stone is probably the most useful of all the items. The
Magia Stone protects the aura that living beings exude. It surrounds
the aura to protect it from the interference of other auras. Its
purpose is protection against contact of the person equipped with it
and the enemy. It consists of stones that rotate around the person
and hit anything touching it. Upon hitting an enemy, it loses some
magic power, but it takes many, many hits for it to start visibly
weaken. In a turn, it goes from two to four stones. In a different
area (which you enter after going through a door) it'll turn in
another way. (There are two ways). When entering town, you'll lose it
completely. When it begins wearing off, there will be utmost three
stones. After a few more attacks, it'll weaken to only two and,
eventually, one. In such a case, an enemy attack could severely
damage you, because it takes time for the stone to rotate the whole
way. The Magia Stone is always one space out from the body, so it
only protects you from approaching enemies. If an enemy should
penetrate it, only it's falling behind will make him be hit, but by
then, it maybe too late.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- SABRE OIL

This item increases the strength of the current sword and makes its
attack much more deadly for the lasting of the magic. It's best to
use it for enemies that are hard to kill, or a cover for an inferior
sword because you can't buy a better one. Additionally, using more of
these makes the sword incredibly strong. The Sabre Oil is very
expensive, but also, very useful.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- KIOKU FEATHER

This feather remembers the voice of the last wise man that spoke to
you. Particularly, it brings you back to the guard of Muralla Town
and is most useful when the person has doubts about surviving or has
any reason to return to Muralla Town or simply, get out of the

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ELIXIR OF KASHI

This is made from a broth of mistletoe simmered on a night of a full
moon. It restores all spells of a single type. It's bitter, but
cheap. Its best use is when you have a spell that you wish to use
again, but only it, or a few of them. When battling a tough monster,
if you only use some spells, and wish to save a Chikara Powder, use
some Elixirs of Kashi instead.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIKARA POWDER

The Chikara Powder is the best choice for restoration of magic
spells. It's a mixture of powdered dragon scales and crushed Wise
Man's Stone steamed for one hundred days. It'll fully restore all the
magic powers that you possess and is best for using when you have
used up all of your magic spells, such as when dealing with a
resilient foe.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLY WATER OF ACERO

The Holy water of Acero is a liquefied metal made of mercury and
iron. If you paint it on a shield weakened by battle, it will regain
100 points of damage to it. It's useful for saving a shield from

Many of these items are extremely useful. Not having them can be very
dangerous. For example, if you are about to loose your life and don't
have a Ju-enn Fruit or even a Kioku Feather, you are in big trouble,
especially if you're far from the town and/or have a lot of gold and
are in a very dangerous area. The only possible way that it can be
worse is if you haven't saved the game for a long time. There are a
few things you should know about some of the items:

- Don't use the Magia Stone in the Rotten Caverns. It'll make new red
slime creatures and won't hurt them. It just wastes it and is

- If you have a very little health bar, when hurt, use a Ken'Ko
Potion instead of a Ju-enn Fruit. This is a simple way to save a lot
of money.
Also, if you have a huge life bar, use a Ju-enn Fruit instead of a
whole bunch of Ken'Ko Potions which won't restore much of your life,
because you can't store more than five of them.

- Don't use the Chikara Powder if you have used up only one magic
power. Use an Elixir of Kashi. Also, don't use the Elixir of Kashi if
you haven't used up the entire power. If you have a lot of powers
drained, use a Chikara Powder. This saves a lot of money.


Here's a table that shows the items in a Magic Shop for each town. By
selling form different towns, you can have every item everywhere. The
item will have the price it had it the town you bought it in. Esco
has every item, including a really cheap price. That price is written
above. If you sell an item from a town that had it to a town that has
it also, you won't make a difference, except that the saleswoman will
give you the sell price for her own item. To make all this clearer,
let me make an example. If you buy a Magia Stone in Bosque Village
for 1500 golds and sell it in Muralla Town, you'll get only 500 golds
resale because the Magia Stone costs only 1000 golds there. In this
manner, by selling a Magia Stone bought in Muralla in Bosque, you'll
get 750 golds, which is 3/4 of the price, instead of just half.

Note that each shop doesn't have every item, but by selling from town
to town, you can have all items in every shop (town). It will have
the price it had in the town you bought it in.

Now you can know the price of every item in each town, so that you
can make such combinations to get better value and save money! It's
all with the help of this table below. It indicates the price of each
item in each town or village. The prices of the same items increase
greatly when in later towns. This is because it is supposed that you
already have enough gold to afford it. This is extremely useful.
Luckily, there isn't a thing I've missed here, so here it is. This
table is one of the most difficult things to write in this document.
I hope you'll appreciate the effort I've spent in the doing of it. As
I said, here it is.

This table shows which items are available in each town with their

- Muralla Town
Magia Stone
- Muralla Town
Ken'Ko Potion
- Muralla Town
Sabre Oil
- Satono Town
Ken'Ko Potion
- Satono Town
Elixir of Kashi
- Satono Town
Holy Water of Acero
- Satono Town
Sabre Oil
- Bosque Village
Ju-enn Fruit
- Bosque Village
Elixir of Kashi
- Bosque Village
Magia Stone
- Bosque Village
Sabre Oil
- Bosque Village
Kioku Feather
- Helada Town
Ju-enn Fruit
- Helada Town
Elixir of Kashi
- Helada Town
Chikara Powder
- Helada Town
Magia Stone
- Helada Town
Holy Water of Acero
- Helada Town
Sabre Oil
- Helada Town
Kioku Feather
- Tumba Town
Ju-enn Fruit
- Tumba Town
Magia Stone
- Tumba Town
Sabre Oil
- Dorado Town
Ju-enn Fruit
- Dorado Town
Chikara Powder
- Dorado Town
Magia Stone
- Dorado Town
Holy Water of Acero
- Llama Town
Ju-enn Fruit
- Llama Town
Magia Stone
- Llama Town
Sabre Oil
- Llama Town
Kioku Feather
- Pureza Town
Kioku Feather

5.4. INN

Besides Muralla Town and Esco Village that have churches, the other
places have inns, places in which you rest, but the innkeeper will
charge you for your rest. That price grows in every following place,
in Satono through Pureza. The table shows the prices.


1.Satono Town
30 golds
2.Bosque Village
50 golds
3.Helada Town
70 golds
4.Tumba Town
100 golds
5.Dorado Town
150 golds
6.Llama Town
200 golds
7.Pureza town
400 golds


The churches are obviously the solutions to all your financial
problem concerning recovery. The problem is that there are only two
churches-in Muralla and in Esco. Using a Kioku Feather would be a
remedy and having the Pirika, Silkarn and Feruza Shoes would be an
enhancement. There is also an alternative: resting in a safe spot
with the speed on the highest level.

5.5. SAGES

In each town, there is a sage, a woman that tells you your task in
the current land, raises your power and saves your game. The
exception village is Esco, where there is no sage and you can't save
your game. There is a Church, like in Muralla, instead of an Inn (You
don't have to pay for your recovery). This is a sort of a secret
place where everything is cheap and the people give you useful advice
concerning your path to Jashiin, but they are hard-to-solve mysteries
which are part of the thrill of the game. The thinking and seeking of
the answers to those mysteries is up to you. The Sage will reinforce
your powers if you have fought enough and gathered enough experience.


This table shows the number of times Duke Garland can receive
increases in power in each town. The Sages will raise your power, but
under the condition that you have enough "*experience".

*Note: The explanation for this is written above, in the POWER-UPS

1. Muralla Town
2. Satono Town
3. Bosque Village
4. Helada Town
5. Tumba Town
6. Dorado Town
7. Llama Town

In Pureza Town there may be countless power raises because I never
came to a stop here. I don't think it can ever stop, because there is
no continuing after that world and no other Sages after that one.

After raising your powers as much as she can, the Sage will no longer
be able to do so. This means that you have to defeat the boss
opponent with what you have and ask the Sage in the new town for a
raise to a higher level. If she can't raise them any more, but you
don't have the experience, she'll say that you don't have enough
experience (in one of the three ways that are written below) and,
when you gather sufficient experience, she'll say this:

"I can no longer impart the power of the Spirits to you. Continue
your quest, you'll soon find others to help you."
If the Sage is going to grant you a new level of power, her message
will be this:

"The light of the Spirits is bursting forth within you. Indeed, your
power has grown."

If you don't have the experience needed, she'll say one of these
three messages.

She will say the first one is if you barely have any of the
experience needed:

"Your experience is lacking. Persevere in your quest."

The second one is told if you have a lot of experience, but not close
to that what you need to have:

"You must accumulate more experience."

She'll say the third one if you're really close, but still don't have
all the experience needed:

"I can see the faint light of the Spirits in you. You must endure a
little longer."


In every town, there is a different Sage. The new ones are more
powerful because they can raise your power to a greater level. Their
names are as follows in the table below.

This table displays the names of each one of them with the town in
which she resides.

1.Muralla Town
2.Satono Town
3.Bosque Village
4.Helada Town
5.Tumba Town
6.Dorado Town
7.Llama Town
8.Pureza Town



The spells are found at the top of the screen. They are offensive
items. An overview of the kinds of spells would be this:

1. Espada
- Short distance, stops upon contact
2. Saeta
- Long range
3. Fuego
- Short range, long lasting
4. Lanzar
- Long range
5. Rascar
- Falls from top to bottom of the screen
6. Agua
- Long range, high
7. Guerra
- Covers entire screen


1. Espada
- Throwing swords
2. Saeta
- Arrows
3. Fuego
- Fire
4. Lanzar
- Flame
5. Rascar
- Falling rocks
6. Agua
- Water
7. Guerra
- War

6.2. KEYS


The keys are what you open locked doors with. Here are the numbers of
keys in the accompanying town. This doesn't include boss doors, or
any that are mentioned in this table.

1. Muralla Town
2. Satono Town
3. Bosque Village
4. Helada Town
5. Tumba Town
6. Dorado Town
7. Llama Town
8. Pureza Town

*Locked with "Lion's Head Key", see the next paragraph.
**The second key is for a passage door, but only for another part of
that world

6.2.2. "LION'S HEAD KEY"

This is a unique key. It's required for opening the green door in the
Gold Caverns, but the key itself is in the final world. It's also the
type of key that would open the blue door in the Cavern of Final, but
there is no second one; the door is meant to be locked, from when you
enter, to eternity (the only way you could repeat the journey is if
you lose the duel, but after beating Alguien again, the same thing
happens). Only with ZelTrain can you get another key. In such a case,
you'd appear inside Alguien!

6.3. SHOES

I mentioned earlier in this document, a special kind of shoes which
you need to find, the Feruza Shoes. There are also three other types
of shoes and a cape, which you get in every following town, after
Bosque Village (Starts in Helada).

The shoes are as follows with their description:

1. Ruzeria Shoes
- Help you walk on ice (you don't slip)
2. Pirika Shoes
- Protect you from Gelroid, thorns and hot liquids
3. Silkarn Shoes
- Allow you to scale slopes
4. Asbestos Cape
- Protects you from getting hot in the Fire Caverns
5. Feruza Shoes
- Allow you to jump twice higher

These shoes are found in the middle of the inventory screen and can
be worn at any time. You will have to put them on each time you want
to achieve the desired affect the certain shoes represent, because
just having them does nothing. This also means that you don't have to
wear any of them. The Pirika, Silkarn and the Feruza shoes are very
useful when passing thorough different lands because wearing them
shortens and eases the way. The reason of that is that the game is
designed to have slopes, long fires, thorns or Gelroid or high ropes
or places where you don't have the shoes needed to get to a place
without going the entire long way.


The Ruzeria Shoes' purpose is enabling Duke Garland to avoid slipping
on ice, which can cause trouble like falling onto thorns or bumping
into Agar. They are the only shoes that you don't have a strict
obligation for having. I succeeded in passing the Ice caverns without
them, but believe me, no matter how hard it is to find them, it's
worth it.


These shoes are one of the three that are of high use for a shorter
way back to the world that you failed to pass (or died for another
reason without proceeding to the next world), or that are needed to
pass some of the way in another world. They protect you from getting
hurt whenever you step into either Gelroid, thorns or a hot
substance. They are required for passing the Rotten caverns. Without
them, the Gelroid will disable your advance, so like-no like, you
must have them. An interesting detail is that they are above a slope
on the easily accessible side and that the shoes in the very next
land are the Silkarn shoes, which enable you to climb them.


The valiancy of these shoes is extremely high. Without them, worlds
above Tumba can't be passed. There are numerous slopes in each world,
so these are the most important. Still, most of them are in the Gold
Caverns, because, that's their original world. You can find out a
detail about these shoes when repeating your journey through the Ice
caverns. The slopes there are frozen, so you'll slip and you can't
wear the Ruzeria Shoes and the Silkarn Shoes at the same time.
However, this doesn't always happen. Sometimes, you'll be able to
climb it and sometimes not. I wonder why that is.


This is a pretty unique piece of clothing. It's meant only to be used
(and it only is needed) in the Fire Caverns. The problem is that you
have to wear it all the time and passing this world requires the
Silkarn and Pirika Shoes, so you'll lose some of your life anyway.
After trying it, I realized that you get hot faster than recover lost
life points, so, even if you remain still, you won't be able to
survive through this part without it. Considering the long way
(including the labyrinth) and many enemies, you have no chance of
making it alive. Plus, the guardian monster is the toughest in the
game (Dragon is the most resilient, most powerful and most dangerous
boss enemy in the entire game, even worse than Jashiin because you
don't have the Guerra Spell). This is not found in the caverns. You
buy it from an inhabitant of Llama Town for 2500 Almas.


On the right part of the inventory, there are, besides swords, keys
and shields, "Crests". They have a certain meaning in the game and
are well hidden or protected because they're part of the game and
without them, you can't travel to a certain place that follows. These

1. Hero's Crest
Allows you to encounter Pollo
2. *Glory (Family) Crest
Allows you to get the Knight's Sword
3. **Elf Crest
Allows you to talk to the people of Llama Town

*The Glory Crest is not needed because you can defeat Vista without
the Knight's Sword, but it's much more difficult that way. In other
words, it exists only for players with little skill, patience, or
luck, but it makes the game less dull (the Knight's Sword is free).

**The Elf Crest is unneeded unless you are curious of information in
Llama Town, but the people there say useful things and, if you're
playing for the first time, you should know their advice. Also, by
defeating Paguro, you get the Almas needed for the Asbestos Cape.


This crest is the first one. It's also the ONLY one that you HAVE to
find. It lets you pass the third world and continue.

Note: If you get it with Zeltrain, it won't have any effect; the
guard won't fall for the fake one.


This crest is not really needed, as it is proven that Vista can be
defeated without the Knight's Sword. I think the makers of Zeliard
have goofed. Anyway, the crest makes the salesman in Tumba give you
the Knight's Sword in exchange for it.

6.4.3. ELF CREST

This crest is also unneeded. It just allows you to talk to the people
in Llama Town. You get it when you beat Paguro.


This part tells you everything about passing each world in detail. It
will familiarize you with the process of finding each object or
secret in every one of eight worlds. It also provides the name of the
boss(es) and the items that exist in the current world on the very
beginning. This is undoubtedly the most important part of the FAQ by
far. This information alone will solve all the problems you have in
the game, but the rest is interesting, non the less. This walkthrough
consists mainly of "up", "down", "left", or "right", but it can be
followed easily that way.

Note: This walkthrough is mainly copied data from an already existing
FAQ, but the last world was not described there, so some parts of
information are original and, besides, make my FAQ a full one. I
received permission from the original author of the walkthrough, so
this part is legally written by all the guidelines mentioned at the
web site "how to write a FAQ for GameFAQs". That is why I HAVE to
give a HUGE thanks to the original author, NeoZenogias. His e-mail
address is Braekdown3@aol.com.


-Boss: Cangrejo the crab
-Secrets: Two hidden potions

After the opening sequence make your way to the castle, which is
incidentally right in front of you. Talk to the king and he'll give
you 1000 golds. After you leave the palace, go to the shrine to see
the princess. After that, go to town, where you can visit each shop.
Instead of upgrading your sword or buying a shield, the best thing to
buy is the Magia Stone, which costs exactly 1000 golds, or you can
save the money. When you are ready, you may enter the cavern at the
right end of the town.

The first thing to do here is equip the Magia Stone in the item
screen. When you have done this, go to the left and down a rope. Kill
the monsters and grab the chest. Then jump onto the green platform
and make it go up until you can jump of to the right. Go right until
you come to a rope. Go down, but don't use the chest unless you need
to. Go down, then right, when you see a rope, go down, then left and
up and grab the key. This is a good resting-place, just watch for the

After you get the key go back down the rope and right. Climb this
rope and right again. Go down the rope and to the right. Climb this
rope. If you need it, there is a potion of full healing in the wall.
Just jump onto the platform and ride it to the top. Slash the wall
and get the potion (as I said, if you need it). Get off the rope on
the first left and follow it all the way. You will come to an
unclimbable slope. But you'll see two doors. Climb the rope near the
slope to the top. Grab the rope next to it and get on the path. Go
right and climb the rope. Carefully jump the pit and continue. Climb
the rope and make your way over the spikes. Soon you'll come to a
platform to go across. This area is great for picking up Almas while
running back and forth because the monsters will regenerate.

Climb the rope and go trough the door. You'll come to a new cavern.
You can't do much here right now, but someday. Go left over the rope
and go up the next rope. Then go to the left of the rope and slash
the wall. Buried in it is an orb worth 100 Almas. Go back and down
the rope. To the left is another door. Go through it and carefully
cross the platform. Climb the rope and go right. Climb the next one
and go left. When you climb the next rope, climb it. To your right is
a red door that makes noise. This is a sign of a door, in which a
boss lives and is prepared to fight you. (It is advised that you save
your game before encountering a boss enemy and, in this case, just
jump to the right, climb the rope and go right to reach the town).
When you're ready, open the door and fight a one-on-one battle with
the giant crab, Cangrejo. Grab the key and go through the blue door.
Enter the door on your left, which is the entrance to Satono Town.


-Boss: Pulpo the octopus
-Secrets: hidden potions in the wall

When you first arrive in Satono make your way to the Sages hut
immediately. She'll teach you a new spell. Save your game. If in need
to do so, visit the shops. When you're ready, enter the cavern of

The first thing you'll want to do when you enter Peligro is to find
as many of the keys as possible. When you leave the town, go left and
climb the rope. Climb to the top and go right. Don't follow the rope
all the way down. Get off to the right path you first see. Get on the
platform and ride it to the right. Climb the rope that you see after
getting off the platform and grab the key. Go back down the rope and
get on the green platform. Go down until it stops. Get off and climb
the rope down. Fall off the ledge to the right. After you fall go
left. Watch out for the trolls; they can be tricky. Climb the rope
down and touch the blue stone. It will tell you to be careful of the
box. If you touch the box, it'll turn into a very dangerous bat.
After you kill it, you get a full heal potion.

From where you are get on the rope and climb up. Go to the left until
you come to the rope. To the left side of the rope is a healing
potion in the wall. Go down the rope and go left. On the ground is a
key. Grab it and go back the way you came. When you get to the area
where the blue stone is, follow the large rope all the way down. Go
right and climb the ropes. Enter the door. Go left, cross the
platforms and cross the platforms. Soon you'll come to a door. Enter
it and cross the platform on the left. Climb the ropes down cross the
other platform on the right. Here will be another encounter door,
which you can enter. You can heal yourself here, instead of outside,
because Pulpo can't move (he's stuck) and it's "crowded" outside.
When you're ready, start attacking Pulpo. (See the instructions below
to see details how to beat him, in the advantages-weaknesses of
monsters part of the tips and tricks section). Enter the door and
then enter the door on the right. This will bring you to the cavern
of Madera/Riza. Go left and then go down. The door on the left is the
entrance to Bosque Village. Enter it.


-Boss: Pollo
-Items: Hero's Crest

Upon entering the village, talk to the Sage who'll teach you a new
spell. Save your game. Your health bar should be about at the half
way mark. If it isn't, gather more experience.

Go to the weapon store here and buy the Spirit Sword. If you go to
the left, you'll notice a guard at the other exit. He is in league
with Jashiin, but, not to reveal it, he claims that a Spirit came to
him in a dream and told him not to allow anyone to pass without the
Hero's Crest, which Jashiin hid in the Forest Caverns. Your mission
is to get it and, upon passing the guard, destroy Pollo.

In Madera, jump to the right instead of going down the rope and go
through the door. Go left and move the platform all the way up. When
you reach the top level, go right and down the rope. Go through the
door. Climb the rope to your right and go through the door. To your
right is a very thin green area. Run across quickly and without
stopping. Then go through the door. Climb the rope to your right. Go
right and slash the trunk to reveal the Hero's Crest.

Go back to where you first went to Riza. Go right and down the rope.
Then go left off the ledge. Go right again across the rope and
through the door. Climb down the rope to your right. Go left and down
the other rope. Go right to find the key. Then go back to town the
way you came.

Do what you need to prepare for the boss battle. Go left and the
guard will let you pass. Go right and off the ledge. The door to the
right is the entrance to Pollo's room. When you prevail, enter the
door. Go right and then you'll find yourself in the Ice Caverns.


-Boss: Agar
-Items: Ruzeria Shoes

When you enter, go left and through the door. You'll need a key to
open the locked door on the right, across the platform. Fall off the
ledge and go to the left to another platform. Carefully cross it and
go all the way left and down the rope. Go right and get on the
platform, which will take you to the ledge with the key. Make your
way back to the door and go through. Go right and follow the
platforms right and down the rope. Go right and down another rope. Go
left and up the rope and you'll be before Helada Town. Visit the Sage
and save. Here, you can buy the Honor Shield, which will guard you
from Agar's ice attack and is much more indurable than earlier
shields. When you're done, exit the town from the left side. When you
go to the Ice Caverns again, you'll find out that you'll slip on the
ice and that the icicles will fall from the roof periodically.

You will find yourself in Glacial. Go to the left and down the rope.
Go right and down another. Wait for a platform and ride it to the
right, climbing off onto the rope. After you climb the rope, go right
and down another rope. Run to the right, ducking at the last second.
You'll fall onto the pair of boots. Those are the Ruzeria Shoes,
which help you walk on ice, because they prevent slipping and
sliding. Equip the Ruzeria Shoes and go left and then down the rope.

When you climb down the rope, go left. Climb the rope and go left
again. When you get to the rope to the far left, climb down. When the
moving platform is under, jump on it and go through the door to the
right. You'll once again be in Escarcha. Go right and get on the
moving platforms. Continue going right until you come to a rope.
Climb the rope and, after you cross the platforms, climb another. Go
right and cross the platform. Climb the rope and go right and climb
the next two ropes. Go left and cross the platforms. Climb the rope
and go right, across the platform and enter the door.

This will take you back to Glacial. Climb down the rope to your left
and go left. Jump through the hole by. To do this, you must unequip
the Ruzeria Shoes. Quickly put them on and you will fall in front of
a boss door. Kill Agar and go through the door. Now you're in the
Rotten Caverns. Go right and up the rope. Then go right again and
through the entrance to Tumba Town.


-Boss: Vista
-Items: Pirika Shoes, Family (Glory) Crest

When you enter the Tumba Town, visit the Sage and do the rest what
you need and want. In the Weapon Shop, the salesman will refuse to
sell you the Knight's Sword. The Sage says that you can't defeat
Vista without it, but it is possible, since I done it and without
that many complications (details on defeating Vista are written
below, including the description on defeating her without the
Knight's Sword). When you're ready, go back out the way you came in.

When you leave town, go down the rope to the right and left. Climb
down the rope and go left again. When you get to the wall, you can go
through it. Go down the rope to the left and go right. Get on the
green platform and move it up until you find a spot where you can go
through the wall. Climb the rope and cross the platforms and go
through the door. Go left and up the rope and then left again. Get on
the platform and go left again and down until you get to a door. Go
through, then right, climb up and go right again. Climb the rope and
go left. Grab and equip the Pirika Shoes.
Go down the slope and up the rope. Go left until you see the town. Go
up the rope and enter the town. You should save your game. When
you're done, exit the town from the left side.

When you arrive in Corroer, go left and up the rope. Then go right,
through the wall, and into the door. Go right, down the rope, left
and down the rope all the way to the bottom. Go left and don't fall
into the hole. Get on the platform and climb the rope. Go left and
grab the key. Get on the platform and move it down. Go left and up
the rope. Get on the platform and go right. Then go through the door.

Go left and down the rope. Enter the town to save, repair the shield,
etc. When you exit the town from the left, go right and then down the
rope. Follow the path left and then right until you get to the six
ropes. Carefully make your way across them until you get to the door.
Unlock it and go through. Go right all the way and then down the
rope. Grab the key (and the Crest, if you want the Sword (You can
have the Crest, but you won't be able to do anything in the Weapon
Shop (in Tumba) until you trade it for the Knight's Sword)). (To
return to the town, go up the rope, then left, through the door, fall
down to the right, go left, jump the hole and then left again. Climb
the rope and the town is on the left.)

When you are ready, leave the town, (or just follow these directions
leading from the town) exit from the right. Go down the rope and
follow the path left, down and right. Enter the door to the left. Go
right until you get to a rope. Climb it and go left all the way, then
up and right. Go up and then left. Climb the rope and grab the full
heal potion in the wall. Go left and fight Vista. After beating her,
go through the door. Now you're in the Gold Caverns. You'll need to
find a key to open the door to Dorado Town. From the door you came
through, go down the rope to your right and cross the platforms to
get the key. Go back to the entrance door, climb the rope and go
left. Climb another and enter the town.


-Boss: Tarso
-Items: Silkarn Shoes

Upon entering the town, visit the Sage. By now, your health bar
should be about 3/4 of the way to full. If not, gather more
experience. When you finish looking around the town, exit to the
right, where you came from.

The first thing you'll need to do is find the Silkarn Shoes. These
will allow you to climb the slopes. Go down the rope to the right of
the entrance to the town and then go left and down the ropes. Keep
going down until you are on top of the extremely long ledge, which
looks like gold. Wait for the moving platform and get on. Ride it
until you get to the second thick rope. Climb the rope all the way to
the top. Go left and get on the moving platform. Climb the ropes and
go right. You'll see another platform, but don't go on it. Drop down
and go through the door instead.

Climb the rope to your left and continue going left. Climb the rope
just so that you can get onto the platform. Ride the platform and go
to the door on the right. Go through it and ride the platform all the
way up. Continue going up 'till you find the chest containing the
Silkarn Shoes. Take and equip the shoes. Get back on the platform and
ride it down. Go back to the entrance of Dorado Town. From there, go
down the rope to the right (or just go to it in the first place) and
go down the right rope. After going down, you'll come to a moving
platform. Get on it and go through the door on the left.

From here, go up to the rope to your right. Go right and you'll find
a moving platform. Get on it and go right. Destroy the block in your
way. Go down the rope to your right. Go down the rope directly under
the last one. Go left and up the slope. Drop down into the hole and
move the green platform down until it is in the place with the
others. Get off and go to the right. Ride the moving platform and
climb the rope to the right. Get onto the green platform to your
right and move it up. When you get to the blocks that are all in a
row, run across them quickly. Go through the door to your right and
to the left you'll see the moving platform. Ignore it and drop down.
Go through the door.

From here, climb the rope to your right and you'll find the key. Go
back down and down the green platform. Go back to the town. (The way
back is simple because you lowered the platform. The high places can
be seen from a known place but can only be reached after a long
process throughout the mazes of the caverns. When you finish in the
town, exit from the left side. Go left and on the platform. When you
reach the rope on the left, climb it and go right. Ride the other
moving platform across. Go down the slope and climb the rope to the
right. Get on the platform and grab the rope when you get under it.
Climb it to the top, go left and climb another. Get to the platform.
Time your fall from the platform to the other one. Go left and climb
down the rope. Then, jump on the platform. Climb the ropes until you
reach the ledge where you can't see the platform. Once you make it,
enter the door to the right.

Go left and down until you come to the boss door. Enter and fight
Tarso. After you beat him, go through the door, climb the slope and
enter the door to the left. You'll appear in the Fire Caverns. Go
right across the rope and go through the entrance door to Llama Town.

*The cavern of Arrugia is the place where you go when you unlock the
green door. It's in the Gold Caverns, although it's impenetrable
without the Lion's Head key, which you get two worlds later, in the
final world of Absor.


-Boss: Dragon
-Items: Asbestos Cape, Elf Crest

The first thing you'll notice in Llama is that nobody won't talk to
you before you get the Elf Crest and to do that you must defeat
Paguro. That is because some of Jashiin's monsters have been
pretending to be heroes and wreaking havoc upon Llama Town. The
Elder, Myuuza will tell you that and won't believe you that you
aren't one of them. If you want to get the Crest, you must literally
fight for it. Going right, you'll find a house with a woman yelling
that there is a monster in her house. If you want the Crest, enter
the house and fight with Paguro. At the right end of the town, a
citizen will offer you his Asbestos Cape, which you must buy because
of the heat. He'll sell it to you for 2500 Almas and defeating Paguro
will get you all the Almas required (in addition to Tarso's Almas
When you're ready to leave town, go out the right exit door.

Note: You'll need to change the shoes here often. Sometimes you need
the Pirika Shoes and sometimes the Silkarn Shoes. Whenever you take
the Asbestos Cape off, you'll quickly have to put it on, as soon as
you're done using the Silkarn Shoes or the Pirika Shoes, because of
the heat. (I trust that by now you know that the Silkarn Shoes are
used for scaling slopes and the Pirika Shoes for protection against
thorns, Gelroid and boiling liquids or anything that would hurt you
if you step in it, for that matter.)

Upon exiting the town, go right and down the green platform. When you
reach the first ledge, get off. Climb the slope and then the rope.
Grab the key on the left and fall. Move the green platform down and
go right. An air current will take you to where you first came into
this world. Go right and down the rope. You'll see a key on the left
side of the hole. Fall down and unlock the door.

There is a chest near that door containing 1000 golds. Go right and
down the rope and right again. In this covered area is the chest.

From here go left and jump into the flames and fall down the hole. Go
through the door and go right. Fall down the small ledge on the right
and jump over the small pit. Grab the key on the right. Fall down to
the right and enter the previously locked door. Cross the flames,
cross the platform and go up the rope. To your right are platforms
that fall down as soon as you step on them. Even if you fail, stand
on the edge and jump to the right. You'll make it to the edge of the
other side. Climb the ropes and go over the other falling platforms.
This time, stand next to the first one and jump far to the left.
You'll touch the other platform, but you'll be able to jump to
safety. If you don't succeed, go through the door at the back (right,
down) and try again. Climb the rope to the left. Ignore the door on
the far right. It's there just to trick you so that you'll go back
all the way. Don't ever go through it, unless you want to go back.
Climb the slopes. Cross the moving platforms and go right. Don't go
through this door either. Stand on the left side of the block and
right of the rest of the wall. Jump and go through the door to the

From here go left and you'll see a whole bunch of platforms. Get on
the second one and make it move two steps lower and jump on the one
to the left from the middle. Make this one go up about three times or
so, until it looks like you'll hit the ceiling once you jump. If you
do this right, you'll make it to the edge of the last platform.
Adjust its position and jump onto the rope on the left. Then go
through the door and go right.

Go down the slope and right again. Jump and an air current will take
you away and you'll land on the ground. Wait for the platform and
cross it to the other side. (You won't be able to jump on it, so you
have to drop.) Take the platform all the way down. Go left and up.
Wait for the platform and ride it. Take the other one and ride that
one also. Climb the ropes and go left (an air current will take you
to the ground). Even though there are two platforms, just jump onto
the high one and bend. Get off to the right and cross the platform.
Climb the rope and go right. Go through the door and you'll find
yourself in the labyrinth.

Once there, go right and down the rope to the right and go right.
Climb the rope and go left. Climb the other rope. Go left and up. Go
left and climb the rope. Go left again and climb this rope. Go left
once again and climb that rope as well. Then go right and up. Then go
right and up again. Go left and down and left again and enter the
door. Climb the ropes and cross the falling platforms. Grab the full
heal potion on the left and go through the door and fight Dragon.

When you beat him, go through the door and go all the way down the
rope and right. Enter Pureza Town. This is the last town with the
Sage, and this is the last world. It's written below how to get to
Esco Village.


-Boss: Alguien, Jashiin
-Items: The Fairy Flame Enchantment Sword, the Feruza Shoes

The first thing you need to do here is find the Lion's Head Key. When
you exit the town on the left, go left and up the rope. Go right and
ride the platform. Go down the rope and up the other. You won't be
able to see the small hole through which you must jump, but when
you're about half way, jump down. If you go all the way left, there
is a chest of 500 golds. When you get the key, go back to town. Go
right and enter the last building. After going to Dorado, exit on the
right. Now you can unlock the green door. Go right and down the rope.
Then again right and down, then right. Unlock the door, grab the
goodies and brake the fake wall on the left. Climb the rope to the
right and pick up the chests worth each 1000 golds. Go right and fall
down. Go right and down again. Go right and enter the town.

When you're done here, exit and go left. Pass the locked door and
fall down. Climb the rope on the right and go right. Fall down from
the platforms and go left. Go through the door. Go down and make the
platform go up. Then fall down and go left. Go up and then right and
through the door. Go left then down and then left and up. Go left and
grab the key. Go back to the locked door that you passed when first
leaving town.

Once you've unlocked it and gone through, go left and then down the
platform to the first path to the right. Go right and then up. Go
left and cross the platforms. Go up the rope and proceed to the
right. Climb the rope and go left. Go up the rope and right. Here,
you need to jump in front of the right rope. An air current will take
you to the purple door. Go through and go left. Now, jump in front of
the rope to the left. Here, you can go through a wall. Go through the
green door on the right. Go right, then up the rope and right and up
another. Go left and up and then right. Jump to the right of the
upper door, where you can go through the wall again, only this time,
to the upper side. On the left is the Esco Village.

After you finish here, go right and fall down. Go through the door
and then left. Fall down and go up the rope to the left. Go left and
jump in front of the rope. Here, another air current will take you up
and you'll go to the left side. Go left, then down and left again. Go
through the door. Go left and down and then right. Then go down, and
right, across the platform. Grab the key and go back to the blue
door. When you enter the door, you'll find yourself in a new place.
You were supposed to go back to the door on the right of Esco
Village, but this door is unique. An old man in the village speaks
about it. Go left, down and right, unlock the locked passage door.

Go right and up the rope. Go right again and down the other. Go right
and up this rope. Go right again and then up again. Go left and
through the door. Go right and grab the key. Then go left and then up
and right again. Grab the recovery potion hidden in the wall and when
you're ready, fight Alguien. After you beat him, go through the door.
You'll notice that you can't go back because the door is locked. Go
right and get the key. Go up the rope and go left. Go through the
door, fight the final battle with Jashiin and go through the door.
Duke Garland'll faint, but that's supposed to happen. You'll appear
in Muralla Town, in Felishika's Castle. Enter the shrine of the
princess on the right and the Tears of Esmesanty will bring her back
to life and restore her true form. The Holy Spirit'll send Duke
Garland on another mission, separating them for now. The story ends,
but without a happy ending...

Note: If anybody knows whether a sequel to the story (game) exists,
please mail me.

Note: I have to give my mother credit. She's the one that showed me
the trick of proceeding the way in this world. If she hadn't, I'd
never pass it.



The Gelroid is a blue fluid found in the Rotten Caverns. It's a
substance that sucks the life energy of anyone stepping into it and,
the longer you stand, the more you get hurt. Plus, the path between
the Gelroid and ground is very long so that you can't make it to the
other side without wearing the Pirika shoes because the Gelroid will
finish you off long before then. There are also many red slime
creatures in the Gelroid. They get in your way and slow you down, as
well as hurting you themselves.



The Training Sword is the sword you start with, so you don't have to
buy it. However, you can buy it because, to test your skill, get
money, or a similar reason, after buying a new sword, you can sell it
and get the Training Sword back.

The Enchantment Sword is a secret sword. You get it in Dorado Town,
when you unlock a door with a special "Lion's Head Key" (Pureza).
Once the door is opened, grab the Feruza Shoes and the Enchantment
Sword and fall down (brake the fake wall, first), run toward a rope,
climb it and get three thousand gold. Climb another one and grab the
recovery potion. If you go through the door, which you must, you will
appear in Pureza, Absor.

This sword is the most powerful sword. It gives off peculiar light
and can vanquish any smaller foe with a single blow.


The Power Shield is a not really a shield. I just makes the shield
hit points go to maximum level. It doesn't even have a picture. With
ZelTrain, you can get it with number 3.


You can't make it to Jashiin without the Feruza Shoes, and in Dorado
(in future visits), you have to suffer a lot more than with these.
Even though they are hidden, you must have them. This also means that
you have to find the Enchantment Sword, but it can't be bought in any
town, so it's a secret sword. These shoes are part of the three that
make passing through worlds a piece of cake. They grant you the
ability to jump twice as high as you did before. They are needed
because you can't climb the rope in the Cavern of Final without them.
You're unable to jump that high without them and reach the rope,
which you have to climb to get to Jashiin's room in which he is
challenging you to a duel in a final battle. There are other such
places, but this is the most important one.


I mentioned it before, but this time, I'll explain more fully: The
Esco Village is a secret place completely unneeded to find. I
wouldn't have heard of it, were it not for the man in Pureza and I
wouldn't have found it were it not for my mother. Nevertheless, it's
a great place. It only doesn't have a sage, so you can't save.


These tables shows you how cheap the items are. This one is for

- Ken'Ko Potion
- Ju-enn Fruit
- Elixir of Kashi
- Chikara Powder
- Magia Stone
- Sabre Oil
- Kioku Feather
- Holy Water of Acero

This table shows the price of weaponry items:

- Training Sword
- Clay Shield
- Wise Man's Sword
- Wise Man's Shield
- Spirit Sword
- Stone Shield
- Knight's Sword
- Honor Shield
- Illumination Sw.
- Light Shield
- Titanium Shield


You can start the game from a saved game (.usr) file, without the
intro and other junk that keeps you waiting. Just type "Zeliard <.usr
file> and your game will start STARAIGHT from that place.

Example: "Zeliard alan". Type this if your .usr file is called "alan"
and your game'll commense from the place where you'd load it from
with F7.


The shortcuts are places where you can go once you have the Silkarn
and/or Feruza Shoes, instead of the whole way. Here are the most
important ones, for each world.


Go right from town. Go down and right to the first path. Go down and
climb the slope with either of the shoes. Proceed to Satono Town.


No real shortcuts here. There are a few by passing slopes with the
Silkarn Shoes, but aren't special. Takes less time with the normal
path, than this way.


The only shortcut here is exiting the town from the left and going to
Helada. This isn't actually a shortcut; shoes aren't required and you
have to pass here. Still, it's worth to know.


1. Shortcut: When coming here, go right and down, then left and down.
Crossing the thorns, go right and fall. You'll come to a slope.
Climb it with the Silkarn Shoes and get on the platform. Grab the
rope and enter the town, which you'll see from the top of the

2. Shortcut: Go right from town and ride the platform. Go through the
green door and fall down. Climb the slope with either shoes and


No real shortcuts here. But, going left, up and right from town,
enter the purple door and climb the slope. I don't know whether it
really shortens the way, but, just to be safe...


1. Shortcut: *Feruza Shoes: When exiting from the left, use them to
climb the right rope and, when proceeding, jump on the rope after the
platform you have to bend while riding.

*Note: You can skip this. The second shortcut explains why and how.

2. Shortcut: **Feruza Shoes: Enter the green door that was once
locked with the Lion's Head Key. Jump over the wall (break it
first) and continue. You'll appear in Absor.


1. Shortcut: Feruza Shoes: Go to the twin red doors. Go right and
jump onto the stone slab. Continue the path until you get to

2. Shortcut: **Feruza Shoes: Enter the green door that was once
locked with the Lion's Head Key. Jump over the wall (break it
first) and continue. You'll appear in Absor.

**Note: This is available for both worlds.


Cheater's heaven exists in this FAQ. The three ways to cheat in
Zeliard are: Hex cheats, Zeliard trainer and reading two other
Zeliard FAQs.


This cheat enables you to edit the memory of Zeliard and supply
yourself with various
things found in Zeliard. For this you need the ZelEdit.

This can be found at: http://www.cheatingdome.com/pc/2710p.htm
(offset list).

I don't know exactly the site for ZelEdit itself, but I suggest that
you type "zeliard editor" in the search engine and pick a site. After
a couple of tries, you get to the wanted page, but it's there for

About the editor: You must start it in DOS mode because you'll have
to type "Zedit" and the name of the .usr file for it to start, which
you can't do from Windows.

Example: Typing "Zedit alan" will allow you to edit the saved game
called alan.

This is what it can edit: (not showing details, see the offset list)

1. Which sword you have
2. Which shield you have
3. How many crystals (jewels) you have
4. Which crests you have
5. Which (and how many) magic spells you have and how many you can
have maximum
6. How many life you have and how many you (currently) can have
7. Which and how many use items you have.

This is not all. As I said, visit the site. This is only a short
list/overview. Also, there are some notes that you need to know.


This trainer enables you little less options, but it doesn't require
any special program-just ZelTrain itself. This is a really great

You can find it on the site: http://www.avault.com... (I don't know
the rest, but type this and go to the Z letter and pick Zeliard and
then Zeliard trainer).
Here is (in short) what this trainer can do:

1. 1
Get better sword
2. 2
Get better shield
3. 3
Max out shield hit points
4. 4
Get key (up to 9)
5. 5
Get Lion's Head Key (up to 9)
6. 6
Toggle Hero's Crest on/off
7. 7
Toggle Glory (Honor, Family) Crest on/off
8. 8
Toggle Elf Crest on/off
9. 9
Add magic spell (and max it out)
10. 0
Add wear item
11. -
Add use item
12. =
Get max money in bank (9,999,999 gold)



Written by NeoZenogias, a step-by-step guide through the entire game.
You can find it here, though, in the 7. part-Walkthrough of the
entire game. This one includes the walkthrough of the final world as
well, which is the only world of problem, but practically nobody
knows how to pass it. I do. How's that for a competition?


Written by Peter Butter (alias Sashanan), a foolproof :) way to
explain how to prepare for a boss fight and how to slaughter each
one. My part is shorter; a different guide for only beating the
bosses. This one I didn't win; his is better, so you can skip this
part in my FAQ and download his boss FAQ. I admit defeat. (Boo-hoo!)

Both these FAQs can be found at the GameFAQs site at:
http://db.gamefaqs.com... (search)


Last, but not least, I would like to mention some tips and tricks
that make the game easier but also, much more fun, less boring and

> You can rest in safe spots. If you stand still, you will regain
your strength. In this manner, you can also defend yourself by
attacking with your sword while standing ground and not bending or
jumping. Plus, you can speed up (and slow down, of course) the
game by pressing F9 and typing a number from 0 to 9. This is cool
and takes you very little time to recover, but make sure you won't
be attacked while increasing speed (ESPECIALLY ON THE 9 LEVEL).

> Save your game often. If you die, you'll have to travel all the
way back from Muralla Town. Additionally, you'll lose half the
Almas and all the gold you were carrying. After saving the game,
you can load it at any time by pressing F7 and writing the name of
the saved file. If you want to start a completely new game, press
F7 and then space. After adjusting the game you're loading, just
press enter (this includes restarting as well).

> If possible, buy the Magia Stone. It will give you an extra edge
while collecting Almas and more than likely, get you out of some
nasty situations. It's very useful against the deadliest opponents
or for going deep into the labyrinths. If it starts weakening,
"head for the hills" or "run for your life" (go back to town),
because you'll soon lose it.

> Try to find the shoes of the place you're in as soon as possible.
Then you won't have to worry about the nasty parts of the cavern
that you just can't pass without them. Some jokes: (Ouch, that
hurt, who put that thorn below my foot [that's a thorn in the
side!]). (Wilma, where are my shoes). (It's too hot - my rear's on
fire). (I've heard of quicksand, but live water? - quickwater, I

> Unless you are a player of great skill, you might want to buy new
swords and shields in every new town and receive higher powers as
soon as possible, so collect those Almas!

> Be careful not to venture to deep into the caverns if you don't
know the way. If you loose your way, the creatures that dwell
there will kill you before you can even see the exit.

> Having the Magia Stone and Ju-enn Fruit (if possible, more than
one) will make it easier for you to survive while collecting Almas
and exploring the caverns. The Elixir of Kashi (or Chikara Powder)
and Holy Water of Acero are also important, especially if you're
going to battle the "Final foes" of which particularly hard ones
that require a lot of magic spells because they have a long
lifeline. I'm accenting on Dragon.

> If you feel that you could die any minute, use the Kioku Feather
to return to Muralla Town where you can rest free of charge. The
way back is boring, but having the Silkarn, Pirika and Feruza
Shoes will shorten the way. (Plus, the Bosque Village is a great
place to trade all your hard-earned Almas.)

> Repair your shield often. Repairing the most damage you can have
on the biggest shield is nothing compared to the amount of money
you have to pay for the new one (even a lot worse shield, which is
much cheaper). Plus, the next shield will cost more because you
won't get any trade-in money for your old one. Regardless of its
damage, it's the same price. If you can survive to the next town
with the old one, the new one will cost less. This is also true
for swords, but you don't have to repair them at all.

> The small monsters reappear when you leave the screen they were on
or enter a door. A few places exist for you to gather Almas
quickly. Such places are in Madera and Tesoro caverns. In Madera,
go right and down. Enter the door on the right and use the Magia
Stone. Repeat going back and forth through the door and gather the
Almas of the fallen bird and crab. In Tesoro, go right and down,
and right again, until you get to the two platforms (see them). On
the right, there are two ghosts, an eagle, and an evil woman.
After you beat them, go off somewhere and return in a short while
(about a minute or two). They'll all reappear and you can repeat
the battle; they are all worth plenty of Almas. (Use the Magia
Stone to defeat them more easily.)

More of these places exist, but these are the two best ones. Another
place, for an example, is in the Malicia Cavern. (This area is far
from town, but you can consult the walkthrough for details on getting
here.) When you're just outside of the door leading to the Peligro
Cavern, go right and down, and right again. The bats on the roof are
valuable, as there are many in a group. The slug, toad and rat on the
left can be your amusement while you wait for the bats' reappearance
(or you can enter the door and go back).

> When you enter a new world, go straight to town and try to reach
it as soon as possible because you will be weakened by the boss
opponent you just fought and the underlings are much stronger

> You should talk to all the citizens. They may have useful

> Remember, although Jashiin is a deadly opponent, the Guerra spell
will damage him and so will the Enchantment Sword. Beware his
power to disappear and to regenerate his life.

> The Sabre Oil will increase your sword's strength and is useful
for defeating the toughest monsters. While it seems completely
obsolete, it's a handy trick and more than one can be used at the
same time.

> Because you don't have the Guerra spell when facing him, Dragon is
probably the toughest, most endurable and most dangerous enemy.
The Agua spell is precious in this matter so be accurate and quick
when attacking him with it. Don't rely on the sword or anything
else; only the Magia Stone will, hopefully and if you don't fry,
level him before further attacking. So fight long and hard in this
part of the way because you're going to need a lot of life and
magic to survive when facing this horrible monster which is well
known for his insufferable resilience. And also, getting to him
requires either luck (a good guess of the way), craftiness (making
a map of the labyrinth), memory (remembering the way), or patience
(not giving up if you fail).

> As I just said, before meeting Dragon, there is a maze of air
currents, some will block your way, and others will push you back
to another part of the labyrinth. Patience or remembering the way
is DEFINITELY required.

> This is the way you should go to encounter Dragon. To get to the
labyrinth, go through the door, which you unlocked with the first
key. Continue going (and climb the slopes, as well) and ride the
stone to the other side. When you see a purple-symbol door, jump
into the air, under an opening. Go through the blue door (unlock
it first) and go left. Arrange the stone slabs so you can make it
to the rope. Climb it and go through the blue door. Go right and
ride the slab. Go down and get on another. On your left is a rope.
Climb it and jump. Get on the high slab and bend. Go on the one to
the right to get to the green door and follow the drawing, which
starts at the bottom of the picture. Then go left, climb the slabs
and then the ropes. You will see a red door, which is the entrance
to Dragon's challenge room. Here are two things you should know
about the labyrinth so I hope you'll remember them. Since I need
to be specific to the last word:

> The last key in Llama, which opens Dragon's door, is in the
labyrinth. There are two ways to get it, the simple and the
complicated way.

- The simple one is: You can jump through the nearest hole to the
first green door. You'll fall onto the box where the key is kept.

- And now, the complicated way: When following the correct path, the
only blue door you'll see is the sign from which you'll know the
location of the key. Upon sighting it, go right and you'll see a box
in which the key is stored. Don't be fooled because you'll pass to
another part of the labyrinth, which makes you think that you've made
a mistake. Actually, it does make you repeat the whole way, but
without the key, the previous trip is in vane. (It makes you have to
get used to the labyrinth; either make a map or remember the way).

> There are many rats in the labyrinth so I suggest that you be
aware how annoying their pushing you and making you fall and
repeat the whole way can be. Try using the Magia Stone. That'll
prevent them to knock you off a rope or push you to another side.
At least sometimes it will.

> Getting to Agar without the Ruzeria Shoes is INSUFERABLE. (You'll
probably slip and fall onto the thorns!)

> Getting to Vista without the Pirika Shoes is SUICIDE. (The Gelroid
will prove to be a real sucker! - Suck the life out of you.)

> Getting to Tarso without the Silkarn Shoes is POSSIBLE (but when
you beat him, you can't proceed, so you have to repeat the battle
and find the shoes (I call it double trouble). (You'll find out
that you need to have the shoes for not slipping on the slopes).

> Getting to Dragon without the Asbestos Cape makes Duke Garland
feel like Duke-Hard Boiled Soup-Garland (Burnt supper) before he
can say, "It's too hot!" (It's also impossible).

> Getting to Jashiin without the Feruza Shoes is NERVE-WRECKING.
(When you beat Alguien and go through the door, find out that you
can't jump high enough, you'll probably pull your hair out or jump
out the window (plus, you can't go back).

> Try to collect as much Almas in Muralla and Satono so that you can
trade all of it into money (gold) in Bosque Village. (You get two
more gold for every Almas if you save it for Bosque and not
exchange in Muralla or Satono). Also, every Almas you collect is
calculated and accounted for your life raises, so you'll
appreciate it in higher towns.


(Starting the Zeliard troubleshooter):

> I can never find keys and/or shoes and get to town with them
before getting killed by the damn underlings.

Suggestions for fixing the problem:

1. Explore the caverns with ZelTrain and get to the key or shoe,
start the game, and get to it, then quickly go to town.

2. Gather experience. You'll be more durable against them.

3. Get a Magia Stone and a couple Ju-enn Fruits. This'll kill the
monsters and heal you in case you really lose a lot of life.

4. Use a Kioku Feather after grabbing the items.

5. See parts 4 and 7 of the FAQ.

> I get killed by the bosses whenever I fight them.

Suggestions for fixing the problem:

1. See part 2 of the FAQ.

> I can't get experience quickly enough.

Suggestions for fixing the problem:

1. Find some spots in which you can get Almas easily and quickly.

2. Survive to high worlds with little life and begin the fast build
up of Almas.

3. In the Madera Cavern (mentioned in the part 10 [general tips and
tricks]), get the Magia Stone, speed up to 9 and go through the
door back and forth as mentioned.

Other things causing the problems are mentioned here also, but aren't
important enough to be mentioned here (repeated). Search the FAQ.


Bored with the game? Like a challenge? Think you've done it? Well,
just try some of these things and it'll all be harder than it was...

> Never save (except places where you leave the game). In other
words, whenever you don't like your position, get out of the
situation without loading to a better one.

> Try to complete the game with NEVER getting a raise of power. This
is the toughest of them all, other suggestions aren't needed once
you've done this, but, just in case... (I've made it to Dragon and
am having trouble, but my life is as it was in the first place.)

> Never use magic or Use items.

> Try skipping the Ruzeria Shoes (and still not raising your life is
a great combination).

> Use high speeds while fighting bosses (would you believe that I've
defeated Pollo a few times on 9 speed? [well, maximum life and
magic (spells), but still, try it]).

> This is one I didn't even dream of doing, but if you're really a
pro, try this: Fight Dragon with the Training Sword, no shield,
least life, no magic or Use items. This one can't be done, but try
(I have the best shield and sword, best Use items, least life and
magic items and still can't seem to do it yet (need practice).


My final word before I proclaim this document a full one, here are
the basics of playing Zeliard on a keyboard:

> Use the Arrow keys to move around in the game.

> Use the Space bar to attack with your sword (if you press it along
with the upper arrow, you'll swing the sword all the way around
and if you press it with the down arrow while falling, you can
stab your enemies). If you press it with both arrows, he'll remain
on the ground and swing the sword. If an enemy is right above him,
just pressing space will make him swing it, although he won't

> Use the Alt key to fire your spell.

> Use the Escape key to pause the game (you can also do it with the
pause key, but you won't see the pause sign on the upper part of
the screen).

> Use the F7 key to load your game and type the name of the saved
game. After that, press the affirmative key, "y" (in MS-Dos, the
keyboard is configured to swap the "y" and "z" keys, so you have
to press the "z" key instead).

> Use Ctrl. + q to exit the game

> Use F2 to toggle sound FX on/off

> Use F1 to toggle music on/off

> Use Enter (Return) to open the inventory screen

> Use the Arrow keys to move around the inventory

> Use the Space bar to accept an action while in a building

> Use the Space bar while in an inventory screen to accept a "Use"


This concludes the Zeliard FAQ. The playing is up to you. Jashiin's
waiting impatiently on his throne. Use my information to make him
wait less and you to have more fun and experience in this great game.
I hope reading this FAQ will help you enjoy! I also hope it will be a
useful guide through the world of Zeliard. Creating it took a whole
lot of time, but it was a pleasure as a hobby. Good hunting! Now, go

For questions, comments, suggestions, praise and criticism, contact
the author, Alan at ivan.franciskovic@rijeka.crosig.hr. Also, if you
want to know anything else about Zeliard, or if I didn't mention
anything here, tell me. Any serious mail will be answered. Just put
"Zeliard" or "Your Zeliard FAQ", or something similar in the topic.

If after all this, you still can't do it, mail me, and I'll elaborate
the problem.

Don't have doubts: I'm good at Zeliard and don't think that writing
for help is wasted time: you might be surprised after getting a reply
from the "Wise One" :).

Important note: Version 1.2 of the FAQ will be released soon, but not
for now. I gotta get some more ideas and time. It'll have screenshots
of everything mentioned under the title. It'll also have (if I get it
and if it won't be released in v1.3 or higher) my e-mail address at
home for quicker answers. Also, during the school year, I'll be
unable to write responses, except maybe a few cases (unlikely). Mail
me 'till september 10. Afterwards, you'll have to wait 'till
Christmas for a reply. (You know the phrase; Don't open [the mail
message] 'till Christmas:). Still, feel free to write, but don't
forget this! I'll appreciate your patience and will to help me add,
update and correct! (You'll be credited, of course!) That's it! Bye!

Here's a copy of the disclaimer, in case you need it again.

This FAQ is copyright 2001 Alan Franciškovic. All rights reserved.